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Barcode verification plays a critical role in distribution and other applications. If a barcode label can’t be read at the point of use, then all of the associated benefits of automatic identification and data collection (improved accuracy, higher productivity, reduced cost and labor) are undermined. In addition, trading partners may return goods if labels can’t be read, and companies that ship using poorly printed labels may be subject to fines or chargebacks.

Proper barcode verification happens when a label is read with a barcode verifier immediately after it is printed. Making verification part of your labeling process is critical for avoiding waste, downtime, and unnecessary fines and expenses.

Implementing proper barcode verification is not just a matter of installing the hardware on the shipping line, however. Companies that want their barcode verification efforts to succeed must invest in hiring and training knowledgeable staff.

With the right people in place, companies can ensure that verification processes are followed and that any problems uncovered by the verifiers can be addressed by adjusting printer settings, repairing the printer, or identifying a better ink/label combination.

Train Your Staff on Barcode Hardware Upkeep

Having knowledgeable staff on hand who know how to maintain the barcode label printers and manage verification  processes is critical to ensuring productive, seamless uptime. Make sure operators receive proper training on how to use your barcode printing, scanning, and verification equipment, and that they can handle routine maintenance tasks (like cleaning printheads or changing label rolls) without damaging the hardware.

In addition, make sure they know how to respond when there is a problem. If printer settings need adjusted because labels are too light, too dark, or otherwise unreadable, can your employees make those changes unassisted? Your hardware vendor, value added reseller or systems integrator can help by providing on-site training during installation.

Make sure staff members understand the importance of barcode verification, the potential costs of unreadable labels, and that they play an important role in ensuring that packaging and shipping operations are successful.

Service and Support

While your employees can handle some routine maintenance and operational tasks, there are going to be times when barcode printing problems require a higher level of expertise. Make sure your competent and knowledgeable staff has access to good service and support when they need it. For example, working with an experienced vendor that provides service and support services, and that is familiar with the different brands and devices used in your operation, is critical.

Work with a vendor that offers 24/7 expert support. Downtime is expensive, so shutting down a shipping line because a printer isn’t working correctly is usually not an option. Find a barcode solution partner that can provide rapid, onsite support, or consider maintaining spare hardware.

If your internal resources are limited, consider a service plan that includes regular preventative maintenance and inspections to ensure any equipment problems are addressed before there is a critical failure. Choose a company with documented expertise in your industry, as well as certifications that are specific to the hardware you are using. Imprint Enterprises provides full service and support for barcode printer and verification systems, including on-site and depot repair provided by certified technicians.

Barcode printing systems are a significant investment. With a verification system in place, properly trained employees, and support from a reliable technology partner, you can keep these critical systems in good health and your labels in compliance with partner requirements.

You can learn more about the importance of barcode verification in our online guide.